If you are serious about making sure that you keep on your regular car maintenance, and you have an Android smartphone you might check out the aCar app. The app allows you to track all of your scheduled maintenance, trips, expenses and more. It can be an essential friend to make sure that you are taking care of your vehicle and to remind you of any regular maintenance that you may need to get done. The features provided by aCar give you more control over your car maintenance and a better view of exactly what your cost of ownership is.
The interface for the app is very slick and easy to use. There are options for tracking expenses like repairs at the auto shop or new tires. The also allows you to record when you receive regular maintenance at the auto shop, including exactly what services were performed and what the cost was so you can visualize exactly how much it costs you to maintain your vehicle. In addition, aCar allows you to easily track your trips, mileage and gas consumption to give you a better idea of how efficiently your vehicle uses gas and what road trips you’ve taken, or what your average daily mileage is. You can use the information to compare with others and see once and for all whether domestic or foreign cars have a higher cost of ownership.
At this point, smartphone apps haven’t evolved to the point where they can make the expert repair advice of the auto technicians at your auto shop obsolete, so you will still need to rely on the trusted experience of a good mechanic to diagnose major issues, but the aCar app does provide reminders of regular maintenance, oil changes and the like that your car needs which is helpful. As always, keeping up on your regular maintenance is something that will save you money down the road (pun intended), by minimizing your chances of needing a more expensive repair at the auto shop.
Using aCar you can input the make and model of your vehicle, and a wide variety of both domestic and foreign cars are available along with the relevant information for your model. You can see how long it was since you last stopped into the auto shop and what your average cost per day is for owning your vehicle (it might surprise you just how expensive owning a car can be when you factor in the gas, maintenance, repair and everything else.)
As far as mobile apps go, the aCar maintenance app for Android devices is one of the more useful that you will come across. It is certainly more useful than spending hours playing Angry Birds all day.